Geo 101 -  Lab 2 Lecture Outline

Plate Tectonics and Global Magmatism


I. Lecture Content

       Origin of Earth and our Solar System   

        What Makes Earth a Dynamic Planet?

The Plate Tectonic Theory

Causes of Plate Motion

Origin of Magmas

Determining Plate Motions

Plate Tectonics as a Unifying Principle  


II.  Origin of Our Earth and Solar System

      A.  Solar System Formed from Interstellar Gas & Dust

              1. Material came from two sources

·       Original primordial gases left over from Big Bang

ü    Mostly Hydrogen & Helium


·       Secondary material from exploded star(s)

ü    All sorts of elements from H to Uranium

ü    Both gases and solid matter


2. Coalescing of cold matter done by gravitational fields

·       Gravity waves through interstellar space

·        Increasing gravity force of condensing matter


       B. Earth Accreted from the Rotating Solar Nebula Disc

              1. Condensing Solar nebula cloud began rotating


                2. Increasing angular momentum caused nebula to flatten

                     from an irregular mass into a spinning disc-like form


                3. Central mass condensed into the "proto" Sun


                4. Outer mass coalesced into many planetisimals, which

                        eventually lumped together to form "proto" planets


5. Over time, the "proto" planets swept up the remaining

                        planetisimals to become the nine known planets


                6. Inner planets, including Earth, formed mainly from the

 cold accretion of solid materials (heavier elements)

·       Metals (mostly iron, magnesium & nickel)

·       Silicates


                7. Outer planets, like Jupiter, formed mainly from volatiles

                        and gases (lighter elements)

·       Hydrogen & Helium

·       Water & Carbon Dioxide

·       Ammonia & Methane


                8. Accretion process probably took 1 BY to 500 MY


       C. Age of Earth & Solar System is about 4.6 Billion Years


Ø    Age come from the dating of meteorite & Moon samples


       D. Infant Earth Underwent Further Differentiation

                1. Segregation of Core and Mantle (Earth entirely molten)


                2. Theorized collision of a Mars-sized planet with Earth to

 form the Earth-Moon system - Extremely violent event


                3. Intense period of planetisimal bombardment


4. Sufficient cooling to create a solid, thin, & very mobile

        lithosphere made up of many fast-moving micro plates


5. Earth's atmosphere underwent drastic changes


III.  What Forces Keep Earth Dynamic?

       A. How and Why Does the Earth Continue Changing?

                1. Earth's surface has never stopped changing since it first

                        formed nearly 4.6 billion years ago.


                2. There must be very energetic, long-lived forces within

                        the Earth to maintain the global-scale earthquake,

volcanic, and mountain-building activities we observe.


                3. Earth scientists have been studying the Earth for several

                      100 years in hopes of answering this question.


                4. Numerous ideas or theories have been proposed to

                        explain Earth's long and eventful geologic history,

 and its amazing variety of features and phenomena.


                5. The unifying Theory of Plate Tectonics is, by far, the best

                        and most accepted theory for explaining all of Earth's

                        geologic and some biological phenomena.


B.  Evidence of Continual Change Since Accretion


                1.  Historical differences in character of the Earth's rock

       record for different periods of geologic time


Ø    Unique rock types; their abundance & occurrence

              Examples: Komatiites

                                 Sedimentary iron beds



                                 Glacial tillites


Ø    Unique fossils; their abundance & occurrence

                Examples: Trilobites




Ø    Distinctive tectonic terranes and their locations

                Examples: Wrangalia


                                    Southern California & Baja

                                    Mount Everest & the Himalayas


                2.  Present-day geologic activities and events

Ø   Earthquakes; Volcanic eruptions; Uplift & Erosion


       C. Internal Forces Produce Heat and Density Gradients


            1. Gravity and radioactive decay generate internal Earth heat


ü    Gravitational heat left over from accretionary event


ü    Sustained nuclear "barbeque" in mantle and crust



              2. Internal Gravity and Thermal energy generate density

                   contrasts in the solid Earth = Internal mechanical layering


ü          Core

ü          Mantle

ü          Lithosphere/Crust


                3. Rotational momentum - Coriolis effect; other effects


4.  Organic Life - Biochemical terra-forming


        D. External Forces Produce Heat and Density Gradients


             1. Solar Radiation generates thermal and density contrasts in

                      the hydrosphere and atmosphere


ü    Dynamic Layering and Circulation Patterns


     2. Gravity of the Moon and Sun generate tidal forces on Earth


ü    Ocean tides

ü    Earth tides


     3. Bolides (comet and meteor impacts)


IV. The Plate Tectonic Theory

       A. Earth's Outermost Solid Layer is called Lithosphere

                1. Consists of two parts (sub-layers)

·       Crust (top part)

·       Uppermost mantle (bottom part)


2. Two major types of Lithosphere

·       Continental lithosphere

·       Oceanic lithosphere


                3.  The lithosphere "floats" on top of the partially melted



                4. The lithosphere is made-up of a number of separate,

 irregular segments called tectonic plates

·       Six major plates

·       Six or so minor plates  


B. The Lithospheric Plates are Mobile

                1. The plates move over the underlying mantle


                2. Each plate has a separate and unique plate motion


                3. The tectonic plates jostle with one another


4. Plates interact with one another in three different ways


        C. There are Three Types of Plate Boundaries

                1. Divergent

ü    tensional setting

ü    plates move away from each other

ü    new plate material is generated

ü    spreading centers occur at this boundary


                2. Convergent

ü    compressional setting

ü    plates move toward each other

ü    old oceanic plate material is destroyed

ü    new continental material is created

ü    subduction zones occur at this boundary


                3. Transform

ü    shearing setting

ü    plates move laterally past each other

ü    plates are neither created nor destroyed

ü    great strike-slip faults occur at this boundary


D. Plate Boundaries are the Primary Site of Present-day

    Mountain Building Events (Orogenies)

                1. Major Earthquakes


                2. Magmatism and Volcanism


                3. Crustal Uplift


                4 Folding and Faulting


E. Seafloor Spreading Occurs at Divergent Boundaries

                1. New oceanic lithosphere is created where two plates are

 actively pulling away from one another


                2. Predominant regional tensional forces at work


3. Site of the spectacular mid-ocean ridge system


4. Examples: Mid Atlantic Ridge & East Pacific Rise


       F. Subduction Occurs at Convergent Boundaries

                1. Old, dense oceanic lithosphere plunges back into the

                        underlying mantle


                2. Predominant regional compressional forces at work


                3. The site of a paired oceanic trench/ volcanic arc system


                4. Examples: Cascades, the Andes, the Alps, & Himalayas


V. Causes of Plate Motion - Plate Driving Mechanisms

       A. Presently there are three proposed mechanisms for

             driving the movement of tectonic plates


Ø    Mantle Convection


Ø    Ridge Push


Ø    Slab Pull


              1.  Friction of mantle (athenosphere) convection

                     currents against bottom of plates


·        Plates dragged by coupled traction forces


·        Like a raft carried by a river current


·        Termed "plate drag"


              2. Lateral outward push of new, high-standing mid- 

                    ocean ridge lithosphere


·        Plate slides off raised ridge, due to force of gravity;

     raised end exerts a pushing effect on low end


·        Like a sliding cookies off a tipped baking sheet


·        Termed "ridge push"


              3. Downward pull of a descending plate's cold,

                    dense leading edge.


·        Extra-dense plate edge isostatically sinks down into the mantle under its own weight; the rest (of the plate) gets pulled along with it.


·        Like a table cloth slipping off the end of a table


·      Termed "slab pull"


VI. Plate Tectonics Causes Global-scale Magmatism

A. Three Tectonics Settings Where Magmas Form


       1. Spreading Centers


        2. Subduction Zones


        3. Hot Spots


B.  Each Tectonic Setting has a Unique Set of Conditions

       That Promotes Partial Melting (Magma)


       1. Spreading Centers


ü    Lowered pressure due to tensional forces


ü     Upwelling of hot ultramafic mantle rocks melt


ü    Typical magmas are basaltic in composition


2. Subduction Zones


ü    Lowering of melting temperature due to release of

water from dehydrating down-going slab


ü    Both the subducting basaltic crust and overlying

ultramafic mantle rocks get melted


ü    Rising magmas cause melting at base of crust


ü    Typical magmas are andesitic in composition


3. Hot Spots

ü    Occurs both within plates or at plate boundaries


ü     Strong upwelling of narrow plumes of very hot and buoyant ultramafic mantle rocks


ü    Melting of mantle rock occurs when pressure is sufficiently reduced near base of lithosphere


ü    Magma sources appear fixed deep in the mantle

as moving plates shift position over a hot spot


ü    Typical magmas are basaltic in composition


C.  Each Tectonic Setting has Characteristic Magmas


        1. Spreading centers & hot spots = Dry, hot, basaltic


        2. Subduction zones = Wet, cooler, andesitic


VII. Determining Plate Motion - Past, Present and Future 

      A.  Several Aspects of Determining Tectonic Plate Motion


             1. Determine present rate (speed) of motion of each plate


             2. Determine present direction of motion for each plate


·       Relative motion - in relation to other plates


·       Absolute motion - in relation to fixed point in mantle


            3. Determine past rates and directions of motion of each plate


            4. Reconstruct ancient plate configurations for past times


            5. Predict future plate configurations


            B. Methods Used for Determining Plate Motions


           1.  Magnetic Anomaly Dating of the seafloor crust


·    Distance from the ridge axis to the any specific  magnetic anomaly indicates the width of new oceanic seafloor crust that formed since the magnetic anomaly was recorded (a time interval)


·  For a given interval of time, the wider the (magnetic anomaly) strip of seafloor, the faster the plate moved.


·       Both present average rate of movement and relative

                       direction of motion can be determined with this method


·  Both past average rates of movement and relative

       directions of motion can also be calculated with this

       method for various past time periods.


·  Past rates are calculated by dividing the distance

        between anomalies by the amount of time that has

        elapsed between the anomalies


·  Past plate positions can also be calculated, because magnetic anomalies are parallel and symmetrical with respect to the ocean spreading ridge

ü    Determine continent position by move the

                anomaly stripes back to the spreading ridge


       2. Laser-Satellite Ranging Technique


·  Shooting a laser beam pulse from one tectonic plate to another by bouncing it off a geo-stationary satellite


·  As the plates move relative to one another, the sending and receiving laser stations will also move


·  The rate of movement and direction of relative motion of the two plates can be calculated from differences in the recorded elapsed times of the laser pulses taken over a given period of time


·  Only useful for present plate motion rates and direction


·   The results of this method correlate with those made with the magnetic anomaly dating method


                 3. GPS-Satellite Technique


·   Generate a record of highly accurate ground position measurements over time


·    GPS stations calculate their position relative to four

           or more geostationary satellites, including

           latitude, longitude, and elevation to within



      4. The Hot Spot Technique


·  Only method that may provide absolute rates of movement and direction of motion of plates


·  Absolute determinations possible because active hot spots mark the sites of fixed mantle plumes that appear to originate from deep within the mantle


·   Hot spots are independent of lithospheric plates and fixed with respect to Earth's rotational axis


·        Useful as reference points for determining paleolatitude


VIII. The Plate Tectonic Theory is a Unifying Principle


1. Best explains the relationships between many different

       and seemingly unrelated geologic phenomena


2. Usefulness for understanding past, present, and future

   geologic changes and events